Here they are, all eleven of them. Making the cards as a batch was both a challenge and a blast, and I wouldn't have gotten anywhere if I didn't have them all spread out in from of me, ideas and images materializing simultaneously. I've got a new way to work now. Look them all over and find yours - and no complaining ("hey, I like THAT one better... why couldn't I have gotten that one...!") And remember to leave your comments, if you have a moment. Thanks to everyone for your interest and inspiration.
don't suppose I'm one of the eleven...?
diva - ask and you shall receive! Well, sometimes. In this case. Not always. Depends. Don't tell my kids.
Expect a surprise soon.
Hello -- I was the lucky recipent of "The Happy Captain," which is featured in the third photo, bottom right. This is my first ACEO ever, and I am very intrigued now. It is very cool looking, and would look great in a frame with a few others.
I've also been thinking of dabbling in making some ACEOs with some extra materials I have around. I think I myself am inspired...now if I can just find the time!
Thanks again and good luck in your sales. (I am glad you took our suggestions for the pricing!! Hopefully that will help!!)
Looking great!!!
Serendipity sent "Bird Stars" to me! I have a thing about crows and ravens (we have some resident crows that keep us entertained). I recently learned about crows in Norse mythology (Odin had two crows that sat on his shoulders--"knowledge" and "memory.")
Anyway, I love the imagery. The background text is intriguing and I like the color treatment of the paper.
I like working in series or editions as well. I tend to work in bits and snatches and let things develop in their own time.
Your work is wonderful! Thank you!
Can you do a custom order? I'm looking for a set of numbers of 1 through 27.
Those are really eye catching :)
I loved my ACEO. honestly i think it is one of the cutest, I woudl like to knwo more about what inspired you. I received the one with the little mouse, but I also love the ones with the bird and the turtle. Very pleasantly surpirised that you actually sent the freebie and you've inspired me to do something similar. Maybe in a couple of months.
I was lucky enough to receive "The Angry Badger"...a FABULOUS piece of art...many,many thanks Crowbiz...love the blog :)
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